article: a new wave
Vision and prophecy given through Mervyn Milne May 2004
He is coming in a new way
New anointing, new anointing. End-time ministry, folks. This is what we are coming into now. This is what we are coming to. Do not even bother thinking about last year, ten years ago, the way you have been doing things - do not do it. Do not do it. Open up your heart to Him. He is coming in new way. It is a new way.
Vision of a New Wave
You know - at the beginning - I saw this wave beginning to be lifted up, and it lifted up and lifted up as if God had breathed upon the ocean,
breathing upon it, just lifting up the sea.
On the crest of the wave
And as it began to lift I saw on the crest of the wave a mass of people; a mass of people that had actually been worked on and had actually been prepared over the years - prepared over the years. And then the anointing - that wave - started to come underneath, to start to lift up this mass of people that He had been working on for years and years and years.
Lifted up
And there was like a lifting off the seashore - just kind of lifts you up as on the crest of a wave. You could see all these masses of people and the wave, as God was breathing and blowing, and He was lifting this thing up. Lifting and lifting and lifting.
The move is on
And I was waiting for this thing in the vision to break, but it just would not break. It was still lifting and lifting and lifting and lifting.
And then that verse came to me about, 'you know not which way the wind blows' (John 3:8) - the Spirit of God moving. It is the wind of God's
Spirit. There is a move on, there really is. And He is lifting up His Church, slowly but surely. It is the work of restoration. He is lifting it up, and it goes up and up, and up and up and up, and He can hold that wave for as long as He likes.
Exhortation : End-time move
But I am telling you folks, this end-time move of God's Spirit will put Azusa Street into the shadows, because this end-time move is a far
greater thing that has ever happened on the face of the earth. And the Bible says that the glory of the latter day will be greater than the
glory of the former. (Haggai 2:9) I am not saying anything that is not biblical. And we will be astounded and we will be amazed at everything God has already put into effect. It is not futuristic - it is already happening.
In our day
How many of you already sense stirrings going on in the Holy Spirit? You may not be able to work it all out and think it all out, and be able to say, well it is 1,2,3,4 or it is a,b,c. You might not be able to put a handle on it. The scripture says He is going to put a work in effect in our day that will cause us to be astounded and amazed, that we would not even believe it were it told us. (Hab 1:5) We have a habit of not believing. So we do not really get to see the whole thing.
He is just lifting us up. He is lifting us up. By that I mean there is an expectation. What is the crest of that wave? It is faith - it is expectation. it is this knowledge that what God says is going to come to pass. That is the increase of that wave. That is the thing that lifts you up. That is what lifts you up. And you just know that you know something is about to happen. And you are waiting on God, but you are not being careless or apathetic while that is going on, because we are busy about serving our God.
Thousands into the Kingdom
Why? It is coming up folks. A God-ordained moment comes when it breaks. Thousands are coming into the Kingdom. Tens of thousands are coming into the Kingdom. Tens of thousands, tens of thousands, tens of thousands are coming into the Kingdom.
Get ready
Get yourself ready. Get yourself in position. There is nothing more important in these last days, than being in the will of God, being in the place of His divine appointment; whether that be career, whether that be a job, whether that be service for Him in a full-time capacity, or being faithful at school, wherever it happens to be that God has placed us. Being faithful, and then giving ourselves, being practical and sensible - giving ourselves to Him to the best of our ability. Just being faithful to Christ.