article: Europe on fire
A Vision of Revival by Jean Darnall (1966)
Received by Jean Darnall, an ordained minister of the gospel who has served with her husband Elmer as missionaries in Panama and Australia and now Britain. Jean and Elmer are from the USA. They were closely involved with the Festival of Light, when in 1971 35,000 gathered in Trafalgar Square, and 10,000 in Hyde Park, London to demonstrate for righteousness. Again, for 5 days in September 1972, crowds of up to 40,000 met to praise God and be taught bible truths as well as to publicly make a stand for biblical standards of morality.
In 1974, Jean was instrumental in getting the musical 'Come Together' by Jimmie & Carol Owens to Britain. Jean and Elmer currently run a Christian centre and bible school in London, England.
This account of Jean's vision of Revival is from her book 'Heaven Here I Come' (1974) Lakeland. Reproduced by permission of author.
"Suddenly the vision appeared within my mind. It had come twice before. I saw the British Isles glistening like a clump of jade in the grey seas surrounding them.
It was a bird's eye view. Looking down I saw Scotland, England, Wales, and to the northwest, Ireland.
The tree tops upon the hills and the clustered clouds hid the people. Suddenly small, flickering light appeared. They were scattered all over the isles. I came closer to the land. The light was firelight. These were fires burning from the top of Scotland to Land's End on the tip of Cornwall.
Lightning streaked downward from the sky above me. I saw it touch down with flashing swiftness, exploding each of the fires into streams of light. Like lava, they burned their fiery path downward from the top of Scotland to Land's End. The waters did not stop them, but the fire spread across the seas to Ireland and to Europe!
'Lord, this is the third time you've shown me this vision during prayer. Could you give me the meaning of it? I asked, deeply moved by the Holy Spirit. He revealed to me that the small fires all over the land were groups of earnest, hungry people who were being drawn together by the Holy Spirit to study their bibles and to pray for a visitation of the Holy Spirit. The words 'pockets of power' were impressed upon my mind. 'I'm empowering them by My Spirit and I'm teaching them by My Spirit about my gifts. They are being led by My Spirit to repentance, reconciliation and a deeper relationship with the Body of Christ. These people are meeting in homes and churches. I'm not leading them out of their relationships in the home and the church, but into a deeper involvement in both. They are to bring renewal, new life, in preparation for what is to come.' 'What is to come, Lord? I asked, wondering why he should show this to me.
'I will penetrate the darkness with a visitation of My power. With lightning swiftness I will release the power of My Spirit through a renewed people who have learned how to be led of the Spirit. They will explode with a witness that will touch every part of the society of Britain. I am strategically placing them to touch the farms, villages, towns and cities. No one will be without a witness whether they be children in the schools, farmers in the fields, workers in the factories and docks, students in the universities and colleges, the media, the press, the arts or government. All will be profoundly moved and those who are changed by My power will alter the destiny of the nation.'
'And the streams of fiery light into Europe, Lord?' My mind seemed to see an army of all types of people moving into the continent with a compassionate ministry. This ministry was not mass meetings, led by powerful personalities, preaching to spectators, but participating, caring communities involved with each other at a grass roots level, sharing the love of God everywhere. I saw the empty cradles of Europe, her churches, holding a new generation of Christian leaders."