article: prayer in time of crisis
November 2016
In recent days, God has been speaking about the great value of PRAYER.
Even of earnest prayer that Elijah exemplified.
James 5:16-18
Supernatural help as we pray:
Last week, on Premier radio, Jill Briscoe of
Telling the Truth, taught on
Prayer that works.
As the fire fell on Mount Carmel after Elijah's prayers, the hearts of the people began to turn back to God.
Jill also spoke of the faith and vision of Elisha at Dothan, when He saw the angels of God as chariots of fire surrounding the town. As he prayed, the Lord used these angels to smite the enemy forces of the Syrians with blindness. Elisha was able to show mercy to the Syrians and spare their lives. Afterwards they came no more in to Israel to raid and cause distress.
2 Kings 6:17
Mercy triumphs over judgment:
A new Superbook DVD from CBN,
Elisha and the Syrians, is about the same story.
The theme chosen was
showing mercy to our enemies. This thought is repeated in the story of Jonah.
God supernaturally stilled a storm, spared the lives of many sailors and the prophet Jonah, and showed great mercy to a wicked city of Nineveh that repented at the preaching of Jonah, even though Jonah perhaps felt that the sinful city didn't deserve mercy.
Jonah 3:10
Victory for a whole region:
Jesus stilled the storm on Galilee to reach a desperate man, bound and tormented. His deliverance affected the whole region of Gadara. Jesus moved with compassion, showed mercy.
Mark 4 & 5
When Jesus and his disciples returned to that area of Gennesaret, after Jesus had stilled another storm, they recognised Him and brought out their sick and afflicted and He healed them all.
Mark 5:19
One miracle brought a remarkable change of atmosphere and many more miracles!
Mark 7
National Prayer in time of crisis:
Jill spoke about the great and swift answers to prayer when leadership in Britain called the nation to pray during WW2. God answered prayer and turned the tide of battle as many political and military leaders testified.
In his book,
Miracles and Angels 2003, Dr Victor Pearce listed miracle after miracle in answer to corporate prayer from accounts in WW1, WW2, and in conflicts in Israel. Angel battalions were seen many times.
Prayer released the might of the angels of God, which seemed to paralyse the enemies of God with fear and were the reason for victory.
His comment, quoting from Daniel, that
we must win the battle in the air first, was also found in the magazine,
Prophetic Vision (Winter 2016) from evangelist David Hathaway.
Daniel 10:12-14
In the previous issue in Autumn 2016, David reported on the great results from a first National Day of Prayer in Ukraine on the 18th June 2016.
God wants to show our nation great mercy and send Revival.
This year, there have been some prophetic words about Revival drawing near, even of 'hanging in the air'.
Jean Darnall's vision in 1967 of Revival Fires starting in the UK and going all over Europe, awaits fulfilment.
May the Lord help us to pray more, both privately, in the two's and three's, and in the bigger gatherings.
In her radio talk, Jill Briscoe pointed out that Elisha was displeased with the king of Israel who seemed half hearted in obeying the prophetic word given to him for victory in battle over the Syrians. His actions led to only a partial victory.
2 Kings 13:14-20
But, like the missionary to India, William Carey, we can attempt great things for God, and expect great things from God!
After the recent surprise election results in the UK and in the United States, with new leaders coming into office, there is hope of more freedom for the Gospel truth to be heard. We need not slacken in our prayers, but can encourage one another to persist until the Spirit is outpoured again.
Joel 2:21-32