article: supernatural peace for the end times
David Martin
Notes taken from a CD of a radio broadcast David had with Sid Roth of "It's Supernatural" in 2010.
The call to deny self and to live by God's Word
In 2005, David received three prophetic words during a 17 day 'Revival meeting' in the USA, where he lives.
- Very horrible times are coming to America. This was five months before Hurricane Katrina. (He believes worse things are going to happen).
- The Church is not taking God's word seriously.
It is going to get more difficult. We are subject to the law of sowing and reaping in our thought life as well as actions.
- We need to meditate more on the word of God.
- We need more self denial. More prayer, more fasting.
- We need to bring every thought into captivity, especially in these end times.
In 1990, God told David to pray and fast, and to fast TV. There is such an influence that TV has on our minds.
- If we are caught up with self. we are missing the purpose for which God made us, to know Him and His call on our life, and to see souls saved.
After receiving these words, David was more careful about guarding his heart and his mind.
Trouble in all arenas coming
In January 2008, God told David that trouble was coming in all arenas - economic, weather, political, social etc.
But, the spiritual preparation was more important than the natural. For, we can go right through horrific times victoriously. The supernatural will make the difference. We need not be gripped with fear. The Word works! Knowledge of God is needed.
We can "go right over to the other side".
The need to be a Living Sacrifice
Shortly, after this, David received his first open vision, and it was for himself.
The ceiling of the church where he was faded away, and David saw beams of light settling on people. And each beam was different. But not on him. The Lord showed him he was not worshipping in spirit and truth. He showed him Romans 12 and the need to present his body as a 'living sacrifice', which was his spiritual service of worship. In that place of surrender, of worship, all of our needs are met.
We are not going to go under, the best of times are ahead!
Conviction of sin and God's glory
In the 1930's there was a revival in a small chapel in Northern Rwanda. People were convicted of sin. As they repented, their faces began to shine, to radiate the glory of God. The movement spread throughout East Central Africa.
The primary fruit was that lives were changed to walk with God.
Lifespan was increased and, even today, people can live to over 100 years of age.
Holiness and God's Light
There was a strong presence of God upon the people, a guard against evil. In Zaire, David met prophets who were over 100. And they do nothing unless God tells them too. David says a remnant will be raised up to walk in this light.
The Lord told David to go to the particular town. It happened to be the birthplace of the Shining Light Movement. There he met a brother called Enoch in the chapel, one of the fathers of the revival, who said it was
holiness that caused the faces of the people to shine. Enoch prayed for David. David wept as he felt God's presence and a desire to be holy.
The Resurrection Anointing
It was nine months later, in 2008, that 'the Peace anointing' hit David on a mountain in Zaire. Years before, there had been prophetic words about war, then a revival, then war again.
This happened, as foretold.
23 spiritual leaders had died in a plane crash. The Lord had forewarned them of this crash, but their lives were "planted as seed".
God told David to go to that same mountain to a conference of some 35,000 spirit filled believers, to "go get a resurrection anointing". This anointing was to give victory over the flesh.
A twelve week window when hostilities ceased, had been opened up.
On the third day of the conference, David cried out to God for mercy during the meeting.
A 'resurrection anointing' went through him like electricity. David cried and his tears shot out "like squirt guns". David questioned, "What is happening?" God said, "It's Me - It's peace. It's the resurrection anointing".
God reminded David of the scriptures relating to the miracle of raising from the dead of the child of the Shunnamite woman in 2 Kings 4. It was the peace or
shalom within her heart that set the stage for the resurrection of her son. This peace guards the heart and mind.
Philippians 4:7
Peace brings faith for resurrection life
This was David's summary of the process he went through.
- The first anointing, seeking holiness, gives us grace to walk in the peace of God.
- In that peace, we hear from God more clearly.
- Our spirit is strengthened to overcome the flesh to walk in holiness, in the power of the resurrection.
Faith is tested
The testing time is between receiving bad news or when affliction comes, to the regaining or keeping of our peace. The disciples in the storm on the lake needed to see 'the other side' where Jesus said they were going to. They were 'in the middle ground' of a storm, and their faith was tested.
Mark 4:35-41. The Lord said that many of us
only see the problem and not the answer.
Expectancy is vital
David had a second vision of a man going through a barrier to a greater move of God than seen before. But God said, 'Your flesh is not ready. Like Jesus, you need to fast and pray and deny yourself.'
Now, David expects the miraculous. Expectancy is vital. The multitudes in Luke 5 didn't seem to receive much, but in Luke 6, the man let through the roof was healed as Jesus saw his faith and the faith of his friends. In Luke 6:17 the multitudes came to hear and to be healed. They were expectant.
Meditate on the Word
We need to hear and speak God's word. Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17 that the Father in glory would create '
something out of nothing', because of the light of His word. David concluded by praying for a stirring up of the anointing of God in our lives, that spiritual blindness be removed.