article: the a-z of heaven
Lots of people are talking about the return of Jesus. Could it be this year?
I am reminded of Abraham, who "looked for a city, whose builder and maker is God." (Hebrews 11:8-10)
Whether it is this year or not, here are a few things that won't be there, listed alphabetically.
I wonder how many will touch a chord with you?
A There will be no Anguish, Anxiety or Anger.
B There will be no Bereavement or Burdens.
C There will be no Corruption, Crime, or Confusion.
D There will be no Disease, Discouragement, or Danger.
E There will be no Enemies, Earthquakes, or Embalmers.
F There will be no Failures, Famines or Farewells.
G There will be no Greed, Guilt, Germs or Graves.
H There will be no Hate, Harm or Hunger.
I There will be no Iniquity, Injury or Immorality.
J There will be no Jealousy, Jezebels or Judases.
K There will be no Kicking, Knifing or Killing.
L There will be no Lameness, Loss or Lying.
M There will be no Maliciousness, Murmuring or Misery.
N There will be no Necessities, Neglect or Night.
O There will be no Occult, Oppressors or Offenders.
P There will be no Peril, Perplexities or Pain.
Q There will be no Quitters or Quarrellers.
R There will, be no Rebels, Reprobates or Robbers.
S There will be no Separation, Sorrow or Satan.
T There will be no Troubles, Torment or Tears.
U There will be no Unbelievers, Ungodliness or Undertakers.
V There will be no Violence, Vexation or Vanity.
W There will be no Weakness, War or Weeping.
X There will be no X-cuses, X-tortion or X-iles.
Y There will be no Yearnings, Yokes or Yesterdays.
Z There will be no Z's to zap our imagination limiting our vocabulary to adequately express the beauty and splendour of that place!
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Corinthians 2:9)
There is a chorus of an old gospel song:
The King is coming, The King is coming,
I can hear the trumpet sounding, and now His face I see;
The King is coming, The King is coming,
Praise God, He's coming for me!
Is He coming for you?
David Winter